Current Affairs

Banking and Insurance Awareness

We live in a world where information gets constantly updated every time of the day. General knowledge or general awareness is one subject that sees the results of such a constant updating of information. This has also become an integral part of the banking exams and other competitive exams. Even banking awareness is a topic that is frequently asked in such competitive exams.

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Banking Awareness 

When you look at banking as a whole, there is so much information that is present which affects the entire banking system on a day to day basis. So, while preparing for banking exams it is important to gather all this information. Some of the topics that are generally covered under banking awareness include the following:

banking awareness

Source – Blue diamond gallery

  • RBI and the recent rate hikes
  • Important financial organizations and banks
  • Banks and Bank chairmen
  • Technologies and Terms that are used in banking
  • Indian economy and recent banking trends

banking awareness

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Some Questions 

RBI and Recent rate hikes

Q.  What is Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)?

  1. It is the rate of interest that RBI charges all banks.
  2. the cash that banks are required to maintain with RBI.
  3. It is the rate at which RBI lends money to commercial banks.
  4. None of the above

Ans. Option B

Cash Reserve Ratio refers to the minimum amount that banks are required to maintain with the RBI.

Important financial organizations and banks

Q.  What is the full form of IDRBT? When was this established?

Ans. The full form of IDRBT is Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology. It was established by the RBI in 1996.

Banks and Bank chairmen

Q. Which is the first bank to introduce mutual funds in India?

  1. Canara Bank
  2. Allahabad Bank
  3. Punjab National Bank
  4. State Bank of India

Ans. Option D – State Bank of India

Q. Canara Bank and Vijaya Bank have their headquarters in which city?

  1. Mumbai
  2. Kolkata
  3. Hyderabad
  4. Bangalore

Ans.  Option D – Both Canara Bank and Vijaya Bank have their headquarters in Bangalore.

Technologies and Terms that are used in banking

Q.  The term Sub Prime Lending is applicable to the loans made to –

  1. Borrowers who do not have a good credit history.
  2. Borrowers who are the preferred customers of a bank.
  3. Someone who wants to take a loan against the mortgage of tangible assets
  4. Borrowers who have a very good credit history.

Ans. Option A

Subprime is a term that refers to the credit quality of borrowers who have a poor credit history and hence exhibit a greater risk of defaulting a loan.

 Indian economy and recent banking trends

Q. What is the main objective of the Monetary Policy of India?

  1. To maintain price stability and control inflation
  2.  Influence the level of government purchases and taxes
  3.  Facilitate trade and payments
  4. To have a desirable income distribution

Ans. Option A

To maintain price stability and control inflation.

 Practice Questions

1.Which among these following terms is not associated with banking or economics?

  1. National debt
  2. Faraday’s law
  3. Elasticity of demand
  4. Balance of Payments

Ans. Option B – Faraday’s Law

2. Which of these following schemes was formulated by RBI?

  1. Jan Dhan Yojana
  2. MUDRA Bank Yojana
  3. Boutique Financing Scheme
  4. Banking Ombudsman Scheme

Ans. Option D – Banking Ombudsman Scheme.

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